Thursday, July 17, 2008

Viva la Papa!

Getting to be near the Pope was the most awesome experience anyone could ever be given in one lifetime - and I've already experienced it. Some people cried, others cheered in adulation. The reactions were as vast as the countries present.
Today we stayed at Catechises with the Youthtowne group at the place where we are staying - St. Mark's Church in Stanhope Gardens. The discussion centered around the Holy Spirit and learning to know that part of the Trinity better.
I am still confused as to what day and time it is here, forget trying to figure out what time it is at home. Currently, it is 6:12 p.m. on Thursday.
The montage of flags waved proudly by their respective native people was astonishing. I have never seen so many countries at a single location. There was Croatia, Slovakia, Spain, Ireland, Italy, United States, Canada, Poland - and these were the ones I actually knew! I should have taken a course in country flags before I came here, it would have helped. I am still wondering what country has a red and white flag with a green tree in the middle (I have just Googled it, it is Lebanon).
The day was pretty full and I am excited that I got to see the Pope in the Pope-mobile. He had a HUGE entourage - boats, helicopters, security guards. It was unreal!
I think that's all, tomorrow we are to see the Stations of the Cross and do some sit down interviews. Pray it all goes well!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm having trouble figuring out what day it is and I haven't even gone anywhere. Still trying to get the broadcasts from EWTN set to record on the correct day. All the LIVE broadcasts are between midnight and 4 AM. From what I saw on TV the flags were amazing. What was even more amazing is that they were all mixed in together. You didn't see a group of just USA or a group from another country together. The people were intermixed together with their flags enjoying the experience with others that may not even speak your language. The music was incredible and the theme song was great. Can't wait to see more.