Saturday, July 19, 2008

Pilgrims and Pictures and Pope Mobiles - Oh, My!

Today was the last day for World Youth Day week. It was the final mass with Pope Benedict. I got a great shot of him in the Pope-mobile waving to the crowd. It was fabulous. Also, when we were leaving we saw the Pope-mobile up close and personal. It is really neat. Has an icon towards where the Pope faces of Mary and the infant. AND it's a Mercedes. The Pope rides in style. The pilgrims all seemed in good spirits from freezing in the cold last night. There was a lot of strys still sleeping when we got there. Most were glad to be a part of the experience.
I am very hungry right now. Got a lot of work done this morning. So, for now I will say adieu and try to find some food! Benedetto!!!!

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